today released TWO NEW generic adventures! These are the first two adventures in a new series of generic adventures from

HIDDEN is a tech-noir / cyberpunk adventure created for roleplaying games like Shadowrun and the like. However NO specific game rules are included. The adventure is generic and may be played with ANY science-fiction roleplaying game that takes place in the future and includes cyberspace and cyborgs.

THE BEAST is a fantasy dungeon crawler created for roleplaying games like Dungeons & Dragons and the like. But as with HIDDEN, NO specific game rules are included. This adventure is also completely generic and may be played with ANY fantasy rule system. released these two adventures today on a SUPER LOW PRICE! Both adventures are priced $1 USD EACH for the PDF download.

Both adventures work perfectly with our own RPG rule system Drudge!
Get the core rulebook from DriveThruRPG.
