PenguinComics’s Kickstarter project, the Sci-fi/Cyberpunk Mini Adventure Cards now have a video.

Check it out to see a bit more what these cards are all about!

So what is this?

The deck consists of 50 cards, Poker-sized, full color. They are a great resource for any Sci-fi/Cyberpunk GM who wants to play a quick adventure, or needs some extra input for a campaign. Each adventure has several section – all easily expanded upon, or edited (or completely removable). The deck consists of 40 adventures.

On ten of the cards are ten cool black/white logotypes for Mega Corporations! Cool art to hand out to your players whenever they end up in a conflict with a random MegaCorp!

But that’s not enough! On each of the 50 backsides are also 600 random names! 300 MegaCorp names, 300 names for smaller businesses and 300 names for Non Player Characters. A really helpful resource for the GM who ends up with improvised characters and companies in the Mega City where your players roam.

This project launches on Tuesday the 28:th! Be sure to be back to back it! The goal is a low $500 USD!!

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