by pingo | May 11, 2017 | PenguinComics, Random Solo Adventure
Our Random Solo Adventure gamebook Fantsay Dungeon is a SILVER Bestseller at DriveThruRPG! Thanks to all customers who made this possible! If you have not yet played this book – check it out at DriveThruRPG. E-book version, PDF, $3.95 Softcover, $10.00 Softcover...
by pingo | Apr 1, 2017 | Nyheter, PenguinComics
THANK YOU TO ALL BACKERS! Our SciFi/Cyberpunk Mini Adventure cards are now FULLY FUNDED – and we hit our goal in FIVE DAYS! This is amazing and we want to thank everyone who pledged! Our Kickstarter is still alive and kicking – support it to make it...
by pingo | Feb 26, 2017 | Uncategorized
We are SOON starting our KICKSTARTER for our new deck of cards: Science Fiction Mini Adventures! This is a great supplement for any GM playing any sci-fi/cyberpunk/mutant/post-apocalypse kind of game, where you need a quick adventure and extras… The cards...
by pingo | Jan 21, 2017 | Nyheter, PenguinComics
A NEW cool generic adventure is now released: Pirates! Heavily influenced by the (amazing!) TV-series BLACK SAILS (Starz, 2014-), Pirates! is an action-packed, hardcore High Seas adventure for a gaming group that wants to explore swashbuckling, local island politics,...
by pingo | Jan 29, 2016 | Nyheter, PenguinComics just released Druge! Core Rule Book. Drudge! is a table top role playing game for any genre. It is a fun, fast-paced game with easy to learn rules. Bring your group of characters into any type of adventure, have them develope during the campaign and...