The Science Fiction Cyberpunk Mini Adventure Card Deck is now available as digital download and printed cards, at DriveThruRPG.

This cool deck was fully funded through the crowdfunding website Kickstarter. It reached the goal in FIVE (5!) DAYS.

The deck is built of 50 cards, including:

  • 40 Mini Adventure Seeds
  • 20 MegaCorp Logotypes
  • 240 Random NPC Names
  • 240 Random Business Names
  • 80 NPC Traits/Mutations/Cyber-tech
  • 40 Weapon Icons

Use the adventure seeds as a base for your own adventures – and campaigns – or play them straight through, while improvising.

The backside is perfect for any GM who quickly wants to generate a Non Playing Character. 20 of the cards include Mega Corporation logotypes – great to add flavor to any science fiction role playing event.

The deck is not attached to any rule system, so you are free to use this with your own favourite science fiction/cyberpunk RPG.

Get the deck at DriveThruRPG – both as digital download and high quality printed product.